Monday, August 28, 2006

Phoenix Convention Center

Saturday, a friend of mine called to tell me about Community Day at the brand new Phoenix Convention Center. He said there was art, entertainment, and cookies (something I adore). He also said that this Convention Center was the nicest one he had ever seen, and he is well traveled. So I packed up my loved ones and drove down (2 miles from my house) to see what he meant.

I don't really know how to describe a convention center except that it was big and beautiful. Simple, tasteful, and edgy at the same time. As I walked the halls I kept thinking how good this structure is for Phoenix. I was so proud. Then I saw the lot they are preparing for Phase II and discovered that it will be twice as big as Phase I. I was awed. You will be, too.

Kudos, Phoenix!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Classes Begin Today!

5,000 ASU students begin classes today at the new ASU downtown campus. Last Friday, I decided to check it out and walked around their University Center building. I was amazed at what a nice job they did in converting this building into an energetic student environment. Once the Post Office is finished and the park across the street is alive and green, the campus will really be on its way. And, best of all, Downtown will feed off this energy. Even Beth and Bill on 99.9 were talking about how this will change Downtown Phoenix!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

64% Say Downtown Phoenix Getting Better

Every two years, a Community Attitude Survey is taken to gauge how Phoenix residents feel about the city and its services. This year, 64% of the respondents said they think Downtown Phoenix has become better over the past few years. The other 36% must not have been down here lately!! Gotta do something about that!!