Thursday, July 20, 2006

Light Rail Will Have Synchronized Light System

Yesterday I went on a tour of the light rail system. The project manager of Archer Western was very informative showing us details of the construction process. One interesting thing he said is that the cars will go at the posted speed limit. However, as they approach lights at an intersection, a trigger in the track will change the light to green.

Next time the Downtown Phoenix Partnership has another bus tour like this, try to make it.


Blogger John Benjamin said...

Eva (I presume),

My name is John Benjamin. I grew up at Tatum and Greenway, and have
lived in Oakland and Berkeley as well as Berlin, Germany (greatest
city on Earth) and a little village in Austria. I currently live at
5th Ave. and Virginia in the Willo district. I went to high school at
Arizona School for the Arts at 2nd St. and McDowell and spent a lot of
time down this way.

I have watched Phoenix grow and grow, but as I've seen more of the
world, I've become more and more disappointed with Phoenix. However,
I constantly try to convince myself that Phoenix is getting more
interesting (read: urban). I'm very optimistic, and have been for as
long as I've known what the word meant that something would happen at
some point.

Finally, my optimism is starting to seem slightly less
"crack-pot-ish", as Phoenix starts to actually change. I was
searching for info on the CityScape project, when I found your blog.
It's now 3:07 in the morming..... hehe. I tried to go to sleep at
about midnight. I've spent hours reading what you have on your blog
and looking stuff up on wikipedia and various other sites.

Basically, I'm writing to tell you that I'm probably as passionate
about this whole deal as you are, and to ask if there were other good
sources of information, conferences, speeches from the mayor, etc.

Anyway, I'm just sorta throwing the idea out there that I'm into all
of this too.... I have to sleep now.

John Benjamin

(I tried to email you this, but it didn't work. My email is

3:25 AM  

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